Past Paper of Assistant for GHQ Rawalpindi

Greenwich is situated near which of the following cities?

A) Washington
B) Tokyo
C) Paris
D) London

Which Surah is named after “Elephant”?

A) Surah Al-Naml
B) Surah Al-Ankboot
C) Surah Al-Hadeed
D) Surah Al-Feel

Name the slave who murdered Hazrat Umer R.A.

A) Hans
B) Feroz Abu Lulu
C) Afizah
D) Zinar

When was Hajj made compulsory?

A) 9th Hijri
B) 10th Hijri
C) 11th Hijri
D) 8th Hijri

Who requested Allah to allow him to exist freely until the Day of Judgment?

A) Hazrat Adam (A. S)
B) Hazrat Hawwa (A.S)
C) lblees
D) None of these

What is the meaning of Al Hadi mentioned in the Holy Quran?

A) The Light
B) The Eternal
C) The Rich
D) The Guide

Who was the commander of the infidels In the Battle of Uhad?

A) Abu Lahab
B) Abu Sufyan
C) Abu Jahl
D) Utba

Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) named as “Ahmed” in which Surah of the Holy Quran?

A) Surah Al-Saff
B) Surah Al-Mohammad
C) Surah Al-Anbia
D) Surah Al-Baqarah

” I would wage war against them who disassociate prayer from Zakat ” Who among the Khulfa-e-Rashdeen did issue this statement?

A) Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
B) Hazrat Umer R.A
C) Hazrat Usman R.A
D) Hazrat Ali R.A

Name the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.

A) Mariana Trench
B) South China Abyss
C) Samoan Well
D) Hawaii Coast

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