Assistant Punjab Police Past Paper MCQs | 2017

One metric ton contains ….. kilograms?

A) 10,000
B) 10
C) 100
D) 1000

Where do the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean meet?

A) Cape of Good Hope
B) Aden
C) Singapore
D) No where

There has been a complete break …… of law and order in the county?

A) Up
B) Off
C) Down
D) Of

A Senator is elected in Pakistan for?

A) 4 years
B) 5 years
C) 6 years
D) 7 years

The British Government announced the annulment of Partition of Bengal in?

A) 1910
B) 1911
C) 1912
D) 1926

Pick out the name of the prayer which is preceded by Azaan?

A) Namaz-i-Janaza
B) Eid ul Fitr
C) Eid Ul Azha
D) Zuhar prayerr

Choose the synonym of ‘ Nonchalant’ (غیر جذباتی)?

A) Excited
B) Natural
C) Dispassionate
D) Nervous

“A” sold a pen Rs. 180. This was Rs 60 less than. What “A” paid for it. What was A loss as percentage of his cost price?

A) 25%
B) 33 1/3%
C) 50%
D) 75%

Which is the largest gulf of the world?

A) Gulf of Mexico
B) Gulf of Aden
C) Gulf of Riga
D) Gulf of Thailand

What is the significance of 17 August 1988 in Pakistan’s history?

A) PM "Junejo” Government was dismissed
B) Gen. Zia ul Haq died in a plane crash
C) No confidence motion
D) Parliament was dissolved by General Zia ul Haq

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