Past Paper of LAT 2022 – 2nd Paper

Past Paper of LAT 2022 MCQs with Answers for Law department admission test preparation online.

Past Paper of LAT 2022 MCQs

What is the Colour of UN Flag?
  1. Blue and White
  2. Red and Blu
  3. White and Green
  4. Dark Green
Curly Antonyms is ____?
  1. curling
  2. straight
  3. crimped
  4. permed
£ currency symbol of ______?
  1. Pound Sterling Symbol
  2. Yen Symbol
  3. Dollar Symbol
  4. Euro Symbol
ILO stands for
  1. International Labor Organization
  2. International Labor Organ
  3. Internet Labor Organization
  4. None
ملت کی جمع
  1. مِلَّتیں
  2. ملت
  3. ملائیت
  4. ملتاں
The famous footballer Lionel Messi belongs to which country?
  1. Spain
  2. Argentina
  3. Brazil
  4. none of these
How many main Organ of the United nations (UN)?
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7
Which of the following is not an organ of the government?
  1. Executive
  2. Political Parties
  3. Judiciary
  4. Legislature
How much is zakat on savings amount Rs 80000 in 1 year?
  1. 2200
  2. 2000
  3. 1800
  4. 8000
A computer could NOT "boot" if it does NOT have the ------.
  1. Assembler
  2. Computer
  3. Loader
  4. Operating system
The most important source of energy in our body is ------?
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Protein
  3. Fats
  4. Vitamins

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