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What is the new height of Mount Everest?
- 8,850. 0m (29,035 ft)
- 8841.0m (29,006 ft)
- 8848.86m (29,032 ft)
- 8856.74m (29,057)
Al-Muwatta is written by?
- Imam Hambal
- Imam Abu Hanifa
- Imam Malik
- Ahmad ibn Hanbal
- None of these
What is name of month before Ramadan in the Islamic calendar?
- Shaban
- Ramzan
- Shawal
- Rajab
Which flower is the National flower of Pakistan ?
- Rose
- Sunflower
- Lilly
- Jasmine
Which city of Pakistan is called shaheeno ka shehar?
- Khnrian
- Sargodha
- Peshawar
- Multan
When the first constitution was abrogated and the first martial law was enforced?
- January 1958
- April 1958
- June 1958
- October 1958
- None of the above
___ takes out souls of life bearing creatures:
- Israfeel
- Iblees
- Mikael
- Jibraeal
- Izraeel
Injeel was revealed on which prophet by Allah____?
- Hazrat Moosa
- Hazrat Ibrahim
- Hazrat Isa
- None of the above
Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during the enforcement of first constitution?
- Khwaja Nazim Uddin
- Mohammad Ali Bogra
- Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar
- Choudhry Mohammad Ali
- Liaquat Ali Khan
Pakistan’s first coin was issued on
- 6th june 1949
- 3rd June 1948
- 6th January 1948
- 3rd January 1948
- None of these
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