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Which country faces a war with Houthis in Yemen?
- Iran
- Syria
- Turkey
- None
What is the synonym of "Meek"
- Feeble
- Strong
- Simple
- Submissive
Catalonia ,roughly a triangular region is in the North East of :
- France
- Germany
- Portugal
- Spain
Which country hosted the first-ever women-only Foreign Ministers conference in 2018?
- Canada
- UK
- Brazil
Munda Muhmad Dam is proposed and being constructed on :
- Kabul river
- Neelum river
- Sawat river
- Gomal river
The famous Dast e Lut desert is located in _______?
- Iraq
- Egypt
- Iran
- None
Most Commercial airplanes fly in the lower part of this layer:
- Stratosphere
- Biosphere
- Lithosphere
- None
WMD,stands for :
- Weapons of Mass Deception
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Weapons of Mutual Disaster
- Weapons of Multiple Disaster
Who has been named the 2020 FIFA men’s player:
- Robert Lewandowski
- Luka Mudric
- Ronaldo
- None
Which is the thinnest earth layer?
- Crust
- Core
- Outer Mental
- Inner Mental
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