Population of village is 15000. If men are 6000 and women are 9000 then percentage of men will be :
- 30%
- 40%
- 50%
- 60%
12130 is divisible by :
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 3
Every living thing is made up mostly of:
- Sand
- Air
- Water
- Atom
Press __ key to display the print dialogue box, in MS Word :
- Ctrl+B
- Alt+P
- Ctrl+N
- Ctrl+P
In MS Word, the shortcut for paste command is :
- Ctrl+V
- Ctrl+X
- Alt+X
- Shift+Alt+X
Which one is an INPUT device?
- Floppy Disk
- Mouse
- Monitor
- Speakers