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What is the new name of Leningrad?
- St.Petersburg
- New York
- Washington
- None
Which among the following is used to listen and record underwater sounds?
- Hydrophone
- Microphone
- None
- Gramophone
Kamal Mustafa was born in the town of ___
- Salonika
- Mongolia
- Ankara
- None
Zambia is the new name of ______?
- Northern Rhodesia
- Hispania
- Congo
- None
Malagasy is the new name of _____.
- Zaire
- Petrogral
- Madagascar
- None
Under the status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government US intended to remove All troops all Iraq by the end of :
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2014
MI6 is the Secret Intelligence Service of _______?
- Japan
- Britain
- America
- None
Who compiled the first English dictionary?
- Robert Cawdrey
- Samuel Johnson
- Stevenson
- None
Which one of the following is produced by hybridization and selective breeding?
- Neeli Ravi buffalo
- Rahu Thaila Hybrid
- Sahiwal OX
- All
The persons whose blood has a reduced capacity of delivering oxygen to tissues suffer from:
- Hemophilia
- Sickle cell
- Colorblind
- None
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