Past Papers of Inspector ASF MCQs 2011

(b) Kaab bin Zuhair 16 “With his death, ended the glory of Abbasids”, the dead caliph was
  1. Haroon-ur-Rashid
  2. Al Wasiq Billah
  3. Haroon-ur-Rashid
  4. Al Mutasim Billah
What deadline did the British prime minister clement Attlee announce for granting of granting of independence to India on February 20,1947?
  1. June 1948
  2. June 1947
  3. July 1948
  4. June 1949
Name the Persian poet who wrote two popular books i.e., Bustan And Gulistan :
  1. Firdausi
  2. Ghalab
  3. Sheikh Saadi
  4. None
Which National leader of Pakistan was Unanimously selected by the Muslim world to Address the United Nations?
  1. Z.A Bhutto
  2. Liaqat Ali Khan
  3. Zia ul Haq
  4. Pervaiz Musharaff
Civil is most similar to :
  1. Unkind
  2. Trite
  3. Public
  4. Questionable
Chasm is most similar to :
  1. Gorge
  2. Charm
  3. Bridal
  4. Criticize
Expertise is most similar to
  1. Activity
  2. Courage
  3. Mastery
  4. Effort
Outlandish is most similar to:
  1. Distant
  2. Absurd
  3. Pastoral
  4. Belligerent
Exploit is most similar to:
  1. feat
  2. answer
  3. accident
  4. Persuade
Tibia is a bone found in the:
  1. Leg
  2. Face
  3. Arm
  4. Skull
  5. None of these

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