Past Papers of Inspector ASF MCQs 2011

The meaning of “Subway” is ____?
  1. Underground Path
  2. Down Path
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above
Pine is most similar to
  1. Clean
  2. Hate
  3. Resolve
  4. Crave
ANSA is the news agency of which country?
  1. Spain
  2. Italy
  3. Denmark
  4. Norway
  5. None of these
“APP” news agency belongs to ?
  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. France
  4. None
The oldest anthem of the world is ?
  1. Taiwan
  2. Japan
  3. Thailand
  4. Iran
World Cancer Day is observed on which date?
  1. February 1
  2. February 2
  3. February 3
  4. February 4
Yasir Arafat remained the president of the Palestinian authority for almost ___
  1. 6 years
  2. 9 years
  3. 15 years
  4. 10 years
The nation of Samood was preached by?
  1. Hazrat Yakoob (AS)
  2. Hazrat Salih (AS)
  3. Hazrat Loot (AS)
  4. Hazrat Haroon (AS)
  5. None of these
Capital of Belgium is?
  1. Cape town
  2. Warsa
  3. Zurich
  4. Brussels
How many seats were secured by Muslim League in the 1945-46 provincial election legislatures?
  1. 300
  2. 425
  3. 930
  4. 923

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