Past Papers of Junior Patrol Officer

National Flag of Pakistan was designed by:

  1. Hafeez Jalandhri
  2. Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chaghla
  3. Amir udin Kidwai
  4. Hafiz Jalandhri

Light year is used to measure what________?

  1. Time
  2. Speed
  3. Momentum
  4. Distance

Which country is called the “ Land of the Midnight Sun ”?

  1. Netherlands
  2. Japan
  3. Norway
  4. South Africa

How many members are there in UN security council?

  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 20
  4. 15

Which country won Cricket Champions Trophy 2017?

  1. North Korea
  2. Iran
  3. UAE
  4. Malaysia
  5. Pakistan

The headquarter of OPEC is located in ___ :

  1. Vienna
  2. Brussels
  3. Berlin
  4. Riyadh

Which leader presented the Chenab Formula to resolve Kashmir Dispute

  1. Mir Waiz Farooq
  2. Abdul Qayoom Khan
  3. Liaqat Ali Khan
  4. All

Warsak dam is constructed on which river?

  1. Kabul
  2. Jhlem
  3. Chenab
  4. Indus

When Pakistan officially joined United Nations Organisations (UNO)?

  1. 30 September 1947
  2. 3 September 1947
  3. 10September 1947
  4. 20 September 1947
  5. None of these

Which is the national bird of Pakistan?

  1. Parrot
  2. Markhor
  3. Chakor
  4. Pigeon
  5. None of these

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