Baghdad city was established as the Capital of Abbasid Dynasty by?
- Harun Rasheed
- As - Saffah
- Al - Mansoor
- Al - Ma’mun
- None of these
Which river foams the Grand Canyon in the United States?
- Mississippi
- Hudson
- Colorado
- Columbi
Funnel-shaped clouds with violent whirlwinds are named?
- Tsunami
- Stratus
- Tornado
- Cirrus
When was Pirpur Report published?
- 1939
- 1938
- 1936
- 1937
World Tourism Day is observed on which date____?
- September 26
- September 27
- September 28
- None of the above
Netherlands is the new name of:
- Sweden
- Holland
- Belgium
- Austria
- None of these
One horse power is equal to:
- 746 watt
- 735 watt
- 725 watt
- 700 watt
- None of these
Which is the largest Sea in the world ?
- Arabian Sea
- Red Sea
- South China sea
- None of these
Taj Mahal is located in the city of:
- Delhi
- Bombay
- Calcutta
- Agra
- None of these
Who was the first man to set foot on the moon?
- N.Armstrong
- Persie J
- A.Gilder
- J.Black