Past Papers of Junior Patrol Officer

Baghdad city was established as the Capital of Abbasid Dynasty by?
  1. Harun Rasheed
  2. As - Saffah
  3. Al - Mansoor
  4. Al - Ma’mun
  5. None of these

Which river foams the Grand Canyon in the United States?

  1. Mississippi
  2. Hudson
  3. Colorado
  4. Columbi

Funnel-shaped clouds with violent whirlwinds are named?

  1. Tsunami
  2. Stratus
  3. Tornado
  4. Cirrus
When was Pirpur Report published?
  1. 1939
  2. 1938
  3. 1936
  4. 1937

World Tourism Day is observed on which date____?

  1. September 26
  2. September 27
  3. September 28
  4. None of the above
Netherlands is the new name of:
  1. Sweden
  2. Holland
  3. Belgium
  4. Austria
  5. None of these

One horse power is equal to:

  1. 746 watt
  2. 735 watt
  3. 725 watt
  4. 700 watt
  5. None of these

Which is the largest Sea in the world ?

  1. Arabian Sea
  2. Red Sea
  3. South China sea
  4. None of these

Taj Mahal is located in the city of:

  1. Delhi
  2. Bombay
  3. Calcutta
  4. Agra
  5. None of these

Who was the first man to set foot on the moon?

  1. N.Armstrong
  2. Persie J
  3. A.Gilder
  4. J.Black

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