The largest country in the world by area is?
- Russia
- Australia
- China
Hajj is not completed unless you go to?
- Makkah
- Madina
- Arafat
- Mina
What is the total Area of Azad Kashmir?
- 1000 km²
- 2000 km²
- 13,297 km²
- 3000 km²
- None
Durand line is between:
- Pak-Afganistan
- Pak-China
- Pak-India
- none of thes
When was IMF establihsed?
- 1948
- 1949
- 1941
- 1945
- 1954
Deepest lake of the world is?
- Caspian sea
- Lake mead
- Lake Baikal
- None
The Indian National Congress was formed in ?
- Dec. 28, 1880
- Dec. 28, 1885
- Dec. 28, 1890
- Dec. 28, 1898
- Dec. 28, 1906
What is the number of Rajab in Islamic calendar
- 6
- 7
- 8
- none of these
First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?
- Ahmad Sirhindi
- Imam Ghizali
- Ibn-e-Taimya
- Shah Waliullah
- None of these
Hazrat Usman (R.A) belonged to the tribe:
- Quraysh
- Khazraj
- Jusham
- Najjar
- None of these