Past Papers of Tehsildar BPSC

According to George Orwell _____ is watching us.
  1. God
  2. Big brother
  3. Sky
  4. Lesus
  5. None of these
Which is only planet in our solar system not named after a Roman or Greek god?
  1. Jupiter
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Saturn
  5. Mars
GCC stands for:
  1. Gulf cooperation congress
  2. Gulf cooperation company
  3. Gulf cooperation council
  4. None of these
NTC stands for:
  1. National Telecommunication Corporation
  2. National Telecommunication Company
  3. National Telegram Corporation
  4. None of these
NTDC stands for:
  1. National Transmission and Despatch Company
  2. National Transmission and Despatch Corporation
  3. National Transmission and Desk Company
  4. National Transmission and Database Company
  5. None of these
SMEDA stands for:
  1. Small and Medium Entities Development Authority
  2. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency
  3. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
  4. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Association
  5. None of these
IDB stands for
  1. Islamic Development Bank
  2. Islamic Dawn Bank
  3. Islamic Development Bhutan
  4. None of thee
SAFTA stands for
  1. South Asian Free Trade All
  2. South Asian Free Tour Agreement
  3. South African Free Trade Agreement
  4. South Asian Free Trade Agreement
  5. None of these
GDP stand for _____?
  1. Global Petroleum Corporation
  2. Global Demand for Production
  3. Gross Domestic Product
  4. None of these
The idiom TO END IN SMOKE means:
  1. To make completely understand
  2. To overcome someone
  3. To ruin oneself
  4. None

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