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"Wheel" is a symbol of:
- Peace
- Prosperity
- Speed
- Progress
- None of the above
Balochistan acquired the status of province in the year?
- 1969
- 1970
- 1972
- 1974
The idiom 'To cry wolf' means?
- To listen eagerly
- To give false alarm
- To frighten someone
- To cry over little things
Day and night are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above:
- Tropic of Cancer
- Poles
- Equator
- equinox
Under Indus Water Treaty which of the following rivers were given to Pakistan?
- Indus, Jhelum and Chenab
- Ravi and Indus
- Indus and Jhelum
- Chenab and Ravi
- None of the above
What is meant by “Equinox”?
- The longest day
- The shortest day
- The sun-month long day
- Equal duration of day and night
Which flower is the National flower of Pakistan ?
- Rose
- Sunflower
- Lilly
- Jasmine
Who invented bulb?
- Philips
- Robert
- Edison
- Willium
The light Bulb was invented by?
- Newton
- Archimedes
- Thomas Edison
- Einstein
What is the largest internal organ of human body?
- Kidney
- Lungs
- Liver
- Brain
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