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Where is the headquater of NAB Located?
- faisalabad
- lahore
- Islamabad
- karachi
Ch. Rahmat Ali, the architect of the name of Pakistan, died on ______?
- 3 February 1951
- 3 February 1952
- 23 February 1953
- 13 February 1954
What is the National Dish of Pakistan?
- Halwa poori
- Ground met fish
- Nihari
- Khaddii kabab
Which one is the national river of pakistan?
- chenab
- sutlej
- jehlum
- indus
The world’s Largest fresh water Lake is?
- Lake Superior
- Lake Victoria
- Great Bear Lake
- None of these
Who invented Telephone?
- J.K. Jack
- P.Wiliam
- A.G.Bell
- Peter J
If population of Gilgit and Azad Kashmir is also taken in account then by population Pakistan is world's ____ largest country.
- Seventh
- Fifth
- Eighth
- Sixth
- Fourth
According to Population, Pakistan is _____ largest country in the world?
- 4th
- 5th
- 6th
- 7th
The Stock Exchange of Pakistan is regulated by?
- State Bank
- Finance Ministry
How many surahs of the Holy Quran starts with broken letters(Huruf muqatta'at)
- 14
- 7
- 29
- 21
- None of these
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