Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education and major thoughts including essentialism, idealism, perennialism, progressivism, pragmatism, realism, existentialism and naturalism.

Philosophy of Education

  1. ______ is the metaphysical view that associates reality to ideas in the mind rather than to material objects: Idealism
  2. _____ is a teacher-cantered educational philosophy that focuses on timeless ideas and universal truths: Perennialism
  3. ___ believe that the priority of education should be to teach principles that have persisted for centuries, not facts: Perennialists
  4. _____ is a philosophy that believes ideas or spirit are the true reality, not material objects: Idealism
  5. Which philosophy of education that rejects any claim to objective truth in education? Existentialism
  6. According to ______, “Philosophy is the acquisition of Knowledge.”: Plato
  7. The branch of philosophy concerned with reasoning is called: Logic
  8. In Philosophy, what is an argument: Giving reasons for a belief
  9. The study of people in relation to their fellow human beings is: Sociology
  10. The Knowledge which a person gains by his thinking power is: Intellectual
  11. The process which brings out hidden potentials of an individual is called: Education
  12. The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is: Metaphysics
  13. According to famous philosophers, teaching is a/an: art
  14. Which philosophy maintained “The soul is divine, only held in the bondage of matter”: Vedanta
  15. Who said, “Reverse the usual practice and you will almost always do right”: Rousseau
  16. Which branch of philosophy examines issues pertaining to the nature of “reality”: Metaphysics
  17. Who is the propounded socialism in education: Russell
  18. As Huxley pleaded for the introduction of “a complete and thorough scientific culture” into schools, he is claimed to be: A Realist
  19. Who was twentieth century Existentialist: Jean Paul Sartre
  20. Which does not pertain to intellectual development aim of education: Spiritual development
  21. The social aims of education imply that: The state has to give not to take anything from the individual
  22. Knowledge arising out of similar cognition or perception is known as: Comparison
  23. The materialists define value as: Material
  24. Tagore was an Idealist because he emphasized: Moral and spiritual development of the child
  25. Which philosophy of education considers psychology as an incomplete study of and an inadequate basis of educational theory: Idealism
  26. The diversity of philosophical conclusions shows: Strength
  27. Which is the Naturalist ideal of education: Social Adjustment
  28. Which is not the nature of philosophy: It is the totality of man’s creative ideas
  29. Learning by Project Method is technically known as: Incidental learning
  30. “Human institutions are one mass of folly and contradiction.” Whose statement is this: Rousseau
  31. Which school of philosophy of education stresses the direct study of men and things through tours and travels: Social realism
  32. On what is based the need for teaching philosophy of education: Different philosophies expressed different points of view on every aspect of education
  33. Which is not an aspect of mind according to the Realists’ theory of knowing: Behaviour
  34. Which school of philosophy of education advocated Project method of teaching: Pragmatism
  35. Which school of philosophy of education regrets dualism between cultural, and voca­tional curriculum: Marxism
  36. In evolution self aims at: Liberation & Enjoyment
  37. Buddha’s theory of self is known as: Theory of no-soul
  38. Health can be classified as having the value of: Intrinsic
  39. Uncontradicted knowledge arising out of the sense object contact is known as: Perception
  40. Values can be classified as: Temporary & Permanent
  41. The spiritualists define value as: Spiritual
  42. What is the goal of education according to Idealism: Realisation of moral values
  43. Play way method of teaching has been emphasized in the scheme of the education of: Naturalists
  44. The influence of both philosophy and religion in the life of the human individual and society is: Favorable & Unfavourable
  45. Which statement about truth is not correct according to the philosophy of Pragmatism: It is eternal
  46. The most important trait of philosophy is: Criticism
  47. The philosophical thinking in a philosopher is: Evolving
  48. What is development of human potentialities in education: Individual aim
  49. Who had the biggest impact on modern education: Dewey
  50. Buddha’s theory of self is similar to the theory propounded in the West by: William James
  51. Who has propounded idealism in education: Plato
  52. According to which educational philosophy, socially useful Labour must form the central pivot of the entire school: Marxism
  53. Which represents fascist ideal of education: Education for Nationalism
  54. Words created by ordinary human beings are known as: Laukika
  55. The most important source of knowledge according to Mimamsa is: Testimony
  56. The most important source of knowledge according to Nyaya philosophy is: Inference
  57. Beauty can be classified as having the value of: Ultimate
  58. Aims of education are determined by human being for the good of the: Society & Individual
  59. The philosopher is more concerned with: Dialectics
  60. Philosophers are, “Those who are lovers of the vision of truth.” This was said by: Socrates
  61. Who propounded pragmatism in education:  John Dewey
  62. Why are curriculum activities used in teaching: To assist the teacher
  63. Which is not Naturalism’s aim of Education: To inculcate ethical and moral values in the pupils
  64. The aim of education according to the Existentialists is: Humanitarian and humanist self- realization
  65. Which is the most widely accepted method of education, according to the pragmatists: Learning by doing
  66. What is called education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and place: Informal Education
  67. In whose methodology of teaching “Experimentation” is the key-note of: Pragmatism
  68. Which is the first school for a child’s education: Family
  69. Who raised the slogan “Back to Nature”: Naturalism
  70. Which branch of philosophy deals with knowledge, its structure, method and validity: Epistemology
  71. What is development of social sense and co­operation among the individuals through education: Social aim
  72. Project method of teaching is an outstanding contribution of: Pragmatism
  73. Education, according to the Pragmatist is: Wholly purposive
  74. Which school believes that all knowledge comes through the senses: Sense Realism
  75. Who believe that “Objects have a reality independent of mental phenomena”: Realists
  76. A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of: Experience
  77. The postulation of a fact by the impossibility of its opposite is known as: Arthapatti
  78. The knowledge which results from the past impressions based upon the awareness of concomitance is known as: Inference
  79. The contemporary trend in philosophical method is: Analysis
  80. The most important difference between philosophy and science is: Method
  81. Religion and philosophy meet in: Spirit
  82. What are the three components of the educational process: Teacher, student, and education
  83. Who was the supporter of Naturalism in Education: Rosseau
  84. The chief differences among thinking beings are: Philosophical
  85. Which school held the view, “God makes all things good; man meddles with and they become evil”: Naturalism
  86. _____Represents ‘communist ideal’ of education: Education for State control
  87. The Realist’s aim of education is: Happy and moral development
  88. Science can be properly defined as: A method
  89. The pragmatists are against: Breakdown of knowledge into separate subjects
  90. The term “progressive education” related to: Pragmatism
  91. Plato believed that talent and intelligence are: Distributed Genetically
  92. The ultimate good includes: Intrinsic value
  93. The goal of philosophy can be properly defined as: Philosophising
  94. Religious education is strongly advocated by: Idealists
  95. Which is the characteristic of the project method: Used for all-round-development of child’s personality
  96. Which school raised the slogan “Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words”: Pragmatist 
  97. Marxist educational philosophy is closer to: Realism
  98. According to materialism, the only valid pramana is: Perception
  99. What is the origin of the word Education: Edu and ‘Catum’ 
  100. What is teaching through deductive method: From general to specific
  101. The important aspects of philosophical problems are: Critical & Synthetic
  102. Who was the nineteenth century founder of Existentialism: Soren Kierkegaard
  103. Who emphasized that education should be a social process: Dewey
  104. Which is a great disadvantage of the project method: It leaves gaps in the knowledge of the child
  105. Which is ideal of education, according to idealism: Self Realization
  106. Who said, “No fixed aims of education and no values in advance”: Progressive educators
  107. Which school of philosophy very strongly advocates that education should be voca­tional in character: Pragmatism 
  108. Whose is the ultimate concern-“What is existence”: Existentialists only 
  109. Social aims of education imply the training of: The individuals to serve the needs of the society
  110. A bad philosophy can be substituted by: Better Philosophy
  111. The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by: Rousseau
  112. According to John Dewey, Schools must prepare students for: Present Life
  113. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Concrete stage starts at age of: 7
  114. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Formal Operational stage starts at the age of: 11

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