Basic Physics MCQs

Gravitation force of earth is:

A. 9.80 m/s²
B. 7.21 m/s²
C. 1.62 m/s²
D. None of these

The mass-energy relation is the outcome of:

A. Quantum theory
B. General theory of relativity
C. Special theory of relativity
D. None of these

Mach number is used in connection with the speed of:

A. Ship
B. Light
C. Sound
D. aircraft

Rutherford in his atomic model could not explain behavior of:

A. Electrons
B. Protons
C. Neutrons
D. Neutrino

Joule Thomson effect is based upon:

A. Sudden compression of gases
B. Sudden expansion of gases
C. Cooling of gases
D. Heating of gases

Medium which sends signal from source to destination is known as:

A. Transmitter
B. Transmission channel
C. Receiver
D. Hardware

Which one of the following is not a radioactive element:

A. Cadmium
B. Thorium
C. Radium
D. Uranium

The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is:

A. Angstrom
B. Micro
C. Nano meter
D. Fermi

The turning effect of force is called:

A. Moment
B. Momentum
C. Torque
D. None of these

Which of the following waves have smallest velocity in vacuum:

A. Ultraviolet
B. Sound
C. Infra-Red
D. Micro

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