Basic Physics MCQs

Semi-conductor germanium and silicon are:

A. pentavalent
B. trivalent
C. divalent
D. tetravalent

Electrons present in p-type material due to thermal pair generation are:

A. majority carriers
B. minority carriers
C. dual carriers
D. blockers

The velocity of laser light is:

A. Less than ordinary light
B. More than ordinary light
C. Equal to ordinary light
D. Different for different colours or frequency

Reflecting mirrors in laser is used to:

A. Further stimulation
B. Lasing more
C. For producing more energetic lasers
D. All

In He-Ne laser the lasing action is produced by:

A. Ne only
B. He-Ne both
C. Electrons of He
D. Electrons Ne

The metastable state for an atom in laser light is:

A. 10-4 sec
B. 10-5 sec
C. 10-3 sec
D. 10-8 sec

UV radiation can be produced by:

A. Heating the filament
B. Electron excitation in the gas
C. Ionization of atoms
D. All the above

Radiation produced from TV picture tube is:

A. B-rays
B. X-rays
C. Far infrared
D. Infrared

X-rays are similar in nature to:

A. Cathode rays
B. Positive rays
C. γ-rays
D. Beta rays

In an electronic transition atom cannot emit:

A. γ-rays
B. Infra red radiation
C. Visible light
D. Ultraviolet rays

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