Basic Physics MCQs

How much heat does a 40 W bulb generates in one hour:

A. 144000J
B. 144J
C. 1.44J
D. 14J

One kilowatt hour is the amount of energy delivered during:

A. one second
B. one day
C. one minute
D. one hour

When same current passes for same time through a thick and thin wire:

A. more heat is produced in thick wire
B. more heat is produced in thin wire
C. no heat is produced in wire
D. less heat is produced in thick wire

Photoelectric effect was given by:

A. Hertz
B. Fresnel
C. Einstein
D. Plank

Which one of the following properties of light does not change with the nature of the medium:

A. velocity
B. wavelength
C. amplitude
D. frequency

In double slit experiment we observe:

A. interference fringes only
B. diffraction fringes only
C. both interference and diffraction fringes
D. polarized fringes

Optical active crystals rotates the:

A. vibrating plane
B. polarization plane
C. diffraction plane
D. interference plane

Which one of the following bulbs has the least resistance:

A. 100 watt
B. 200 watt
C. 300 watt
D. 60 watt

A fuse is placed in series with the circuit to protect against:

A. high power
B. high voltage
C. high current
D. over heating

Electrical energy is converted to heat at the rate of:

A. IRt
B. I2R
C. I2Rt
D. VIt

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