Basic Physics MCQs

Holes can exist in:

A. Conductors
B. Insulators
C. Semi conductors
D. All of the above

Many of the semi conductors are crystals of the type:

A. Face centred cubic
B. Body centred cubic
C. Simple cubic
D. All of the above

The electrons in conduction band are free to:

A. Transport vibrations
B. Transport signals
C. Transport charge
D. Transport impulses

A vacant or partially filled band is called:

A. Conduction band
B. Valence band
C. Forbidden band
D. Empty band

In simple cube one atom or molecule lies at its:

A. Force corners
B. Nine corners
C. Eight corners
D. Six corners

The breaking of crystals along definite direction is called:

A. Cleavage
B. Symmetry
C. Isotropy
D. Homogeneity

Coercive force is the force which opposes:

A. Demagnetization
B. Breakage
C. Extension
D. Surface cracking

n instrument which can measure potential without drawing any current is:

AA. voltmeter
B. galvanometer
C. cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)
D. ammeter

The standard vector symbol for flux density is:

A. M
B. L
C. H
D. B

SI unit of flux density is:

A. NA-1m-1
B. NAm-1
C. NmA-1
D. NmA-2

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