Basic Physics MCQs

Two parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite directions:

A. repel each other
B. attract each other
C. have no effect upon each other
D. they cancel out their individual magnetic fields

If a current carrying solenoid is suspended freely it will:

A. be rotating
B. come to rest in N-S direction
C. vibrating like galvanometer needle
D. comes to rest after rotation

Which one of the following is not an electromechanical instrument:

A. galvanometer
B. voltmeter
C. ammeter
D. AC transformer and DC generator

When the coil of the galvanometer is in equilibrium then the deflecting couple is:

A. zero
B. equal to the restoring couple
C. greater than the restoring couple
D. smaller than the restoring couple

The sensitivity of a galvanometer is given by:


The magnetic field strength of solenoid is:

A. B = μNI
B. B = μN/I
C. B = μnI
D. Both B and C

Electromagnetic waves travel in free space with the speed of:

A. λ-rays
B. Positive rays
C. Cathode rays
D. More than sound waves

Heating a magnet will:

A. weaken it
B. strengthen it
C. reverse its polarity
D. demagnetize it completely

Galvanometer is a very sensitive device with:

A. very low damping
B. very high damping
C. no damping at all
D. radial field disintegration

Electromagnetic waves emitted from antenna are:

A. Stationary
B. Longitudinal
C. Transverse
D. All the above

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