Basic Physics MCQs

Who discovered the inverse square law for gravity:

A. Einstein
B. Galileo
C. Newtons
D. Plank

The angular speed of seconds hand of a watch in rads-1 is:

A. π
B. π/2
C. π/30
D. π/180

In an angular motion, Newton’s second law of motion is:

A. F=ma
B. F=τp/It
C. Στ = I α
D. All above

Terminal velocity is given by equation:

A. Vt = gr2ρ
B. Vt = 2gr2/9ρ
C. Vt = gr2/9ρ
D. Vt = 9gr2/2ρ

Terminal velocity is:

A. Uniform
B. Maximum
C. Uniform and maximum
D. Neither uniform nor maximum

The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are:

A. ML-1T-1
B. M2L1T1
C. ML1T-1
D. M2L-1T-1

Coefficient of viscosity of honey is greater than:

A. Milk
B. Water
C. Charcoal
D. Water

If a body of mass 10 kg is allowed to fall freely, its weight becomes:

A. 0
B. 89N
C. 9.8 N
D. 10N

Minimum number of communication satellites required to cover the whole earth is:

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5

Also read: General Knowledge MCQs and solve English MCQs

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