Plant Pathology MCQs

The insects have ________?

A. 2 pair of wings and 2 pair of legs
B. 3 pair of wings and 2 pair of legs
C. 2 pair of wings and 3 pair of legs
D. None of the above

The sucking type insects of cotton are _______?

A. Jassids and thrips
B. Wlutefly and jassids
C. Thrips and whitefly
D. All the above

Disease are transmitted through _________?

A. Seeds
B. Agricultural machinery and implements
C. Winds, insects
D. All the above

Gurdaspur borer is pest of ________?

A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Sugarcane
D. Okra

Collar rot in chilies is caused by _______?

A. Rhizowhtnia solani
B. phytophilorea infesta
C. phytophithoua spri
D. phytophytora cupri

Antenae of insect is ______?

A. Locomotion organ
B. Sensory organ
C. Sex organ
D. None of the above

Which of the following is disease of rice _______?

A. Foot rot
B. Brown spot Ratti disease
C. Rice blast
D. All the above

Club root is disease of _______?

A. Tumip
B. Okra
C. Water melon
D. Cabbage

The wings and legs of insects are present in ______?

A. Head
B. Thorax
C. Abdomen
D. Neck

Malpighian tubules are organs of _______?

A. Excretion
B. Digestion
C. Secretion
D. None of the above

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