Plant Pathology MCQs

IPM is a pest control strategy in which _____?

A. Pest are controlled culturally
B. Predators and parasites are used
C. Cultural and biological control techniques are used
D. Pesticides are used

The insects which transfer disease from one plant to another is known as ______?

A. Disease transmitter
B. Vector
C. Pest
D. Parasite

The insecticides with least mammalian toxicity are ________?

A. Organo-phosphate
B. Organo-chlorine
C. Pyrethroids
D. Carbamates

Malathrion and Parathion insecticides belongs to ________?

A. Organo-chlorine group
B. Pyrethroid group
C. Carbamate group
D. Organo-phosphate

Stalk root of onion is caused by _____?

A. Fungi
B. Bacteria
C. Nematodes
D. Gassicls

Viral disease can be controlled by ________?

A. Fungicides
B. Cultural practices
C. Cultural practices and growing resistant varieties
D. Can not be controlled

The factors which induces disease outbreak is ______?

A. High temperature
B. High humidity
C. Susceptible varieties
D. All the above

The symptoms of powdery mildew appears on ____?

A. Roots
B. Floral parts
C. Foliage of plants
D. ()

the most devastating migratory pest is _________?

A. Cutworm
B. Army worm
C. Locust
D. None of the above

The beneficial relationship between two organisms living together is called ________?

A. Osmosis
B. Common salism
C. Symbiosis
D. None of the above

Read More: Past Papers of Agricultural Department

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