Political Science MCQs

Positive liberalism developed by the end of _______?

A. 17th century
B. 18th century
C. 19th century
D. 20th century

Who of the following is not associated with the limiting of the functions of the state on economic basis?

A. Adam Smith
B. Bentham
C. J.S. Mill
D. Marx

According to Marx the dictatorship to proletariat, which will follow the overthrow of capitalism will:

A. Conduct free and fair elections to elect its own rulers
B. Stamp out the counter revolutionaries and capitalists
C. Protect the capitalists from the wrath of the workers
D. Give complete freedom in the economic sphere

According to Marx:

A. Religion exercises a moralising effect on the people
B. Religion is the opium of people
C. Religion provides a sense of contentment
D. Religion creates tension amongst various sections of society

The ultimate goal of Marx was to establish:

A. A society in which people enjoy complete political liberty
B. A casteless society
C. A society based on religion and morality
D. A classiess society

Marx held that ultimately the state will _______?

A. Wither away
B. Become omnipotent
C. Come under the control of the workers
D. Come under the control of the Communist Party

Marxian Socialists lay emphasis on _____?

A. Personal Rights
B. Social Rights
C. Political Rights
D. Economic Rights

Communism which was propounded by Marx and Engels and modified by subsequent philosophers believes in:

A. State ownership of all the means of production
B. Complete freedom in the economic sphere
C. Mixed economy with only key industries under state control
D. None of the above

Who said: “Workers of the world unit; you have nothing to lose except your ‘thains”?

A. Stalin
B. Marx
C. Mao Tse Tung
D. Lenin

Marsian Socialism is also known as ______?

A. Scientific Socialism
B. Revolutionary Socialism
C. Evolutionary Socialism
D. Utopian Socialism

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