Political Science MCQs

Which one of the following is not true about Marxian Socialism?

A. The state will be replaced by classless society
B. They favour negative freedom for members
C. They hold faith in planned economy
D. They are opposed to production for the sake of profit

Which one of following is not true about socialism?

A. They do not favour individual liberty against state
B. They assume that the state will wither away
C. The believe that the state is means to an end
D. They believe that state has always been siding with propertied classes

Fascists and Communists differ from each other about their views about:

A. Dictatorship of working classes
B. Love for their religion
C. Love for educated class
D. None of These

According to Fascists ______?

A. Human equality is most desirable
B. There can be no human equality
C. Leaders have better talent than common man
D. There is no difference between a leader and common man

The Fascists believe that:

A. All races have proud culture
B. There is no cultural inequality
C. Their culture is superior as compared with other cultures
D. There should be no distinction on cultural basis

Which one of the following is not an element of Fascism?

A. It is negation of democracy
B. It is negation of socialism
C. It is opposed to world peace
D. It is opposed to theory of class struggle
E. It is opposed to capitalism

In which of the following respects are Communism and Fascism similar to each other?

A. Both believe in totalitarian state
B. Both support the cause of workers
C. Both believe in violence
D. Both ridicule democracy

Fascism believed in _______?

A. Force
B. Peaceful changes
C. Dignity of individual
D. Socialism

In the economic sphere Fascism stood for ______?

A. Free trade and competition
B. State regulation of all economic activities
C. Regulation of industries by workers
D. None of the above

Fascism resembles Communism (Marxism) in so far it stands for ______?

A. Retention of private property
B. Internationalism
C. The doctrine determinism
D. A totalitarian state

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