The labour theory of value which formed one of the feature of theory of development offered by Racardo was _____?
A. His original idea
B. Borrowed from Adam Smith
C. Borrowed from Marx
D. None of the above
Name the country from which concept of ‘equal protection of law’ we borrowed in our Constitution?
A. U.S.A.
B. U.S.S.R
C. France
D. Switzerland
E. China
Under which Article protection of property rights of citizens are assured:
A. Article 24
B. Article 25
C. Article 26
D. Article 27
Which one of the following is the feature of rule of law?
A. In it arbitrary law is subordinate to regular law
B. In it regular law is above arbitrary law
C. In it both arbitrary and regular laws are reconciled
D. None of the above
Which Article of our Constitution (1973) deals with freedom of movement etc.?
A. Article 13
B. Article 14
C. Article 15
D. Article 16
E. Article 17
Which one of the following is not an essential feature of the rule of law?
A. All persons are equally subject to ordinary laws
B. Rules should be the basis of all laws
C. Equal justice for all
D. Absence of special privileges before law for certain persons
Name the country in which supremacy of parliament has been reconciled with judicial reviews?
A. U.S.S.R
B. U.S.R
C. England
D. India
Equal protection before law means:
A. Equal protection for public servants
B. Equal protection for all military people
C. Among equals laws should be equally administered
D. None of the above
Which of the following is not true about ‘rule of law’?
A. All administered are equal before alw
B. Constitution is the consequence of rights
C. Constitution is not the consequence but source of rights
D. Equal justice should be assured to all
In the Constituent Assembly who of the following Indians said about relationship of parliament and judiciary “No Supreme Court, no Judiciary, can stand in judgment over the sovereign will of Parliament”:
A. J.L.Nehru
B. Ananthaswamy Ayyangar
C. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
D. Dr. Rajindra Parsad