Political Science MCQs

Freedom of Trade, Business or Profession is the basic concept of which Article of our Constitution (1973):

A. Article 16
B. Article 17
C. Article 18
D. Article 19

The scientific jurisdiction for individualism was offered by _____?

A. Herbert Spencer
B. Darwin
C. Locke
D. Marx

The individualists held that ______?

A. The state was the best judge of man’s interest functions of state
B. The individual was the best judge of his own interest
C. The king was the best judge of people’s interests
D. The Parliament was the best judge of individual’s Interests

In the economic spere, the individualists are in favour of ___?

A. Ending all free competition
B. Encourging free competition
C. State control over production and distribution
D. Dictatorship of the proletariat

One of the serious hurdles in the way of implementing the ideals of welfare state is ___?

A. Reluctance of government servants to assume more responsibility
B. Indifferent attitude of the politicians
C. Lack of interest by the common people
D. Reluctance of people to pay high taxes

The welfare theory is based on _____?

A. Democratic principles
B. Aristocratic principles
C. Anarchist principle
D. Marxist principle

The modern individualists are in favour of a __?

A. Police state
B. Welfare state
C. Stateless society
D. Totalitarian state

Who of the following is associated with the statement that the main function of state is to ‘hinder to the hindrances to good life’:

A. Individualists
B. Liberals
C. Utilitarianists
D. Socialists

Socialism is opposed to ___?

A. Social security schemes
B. Equal distribution of wealth
C. Unrestricted competition
D. Collective

Who of the following is regarded as the father of Scientific Socialism?

A. Robert Owen
B. Karl Marx
C. Kroptikan
D. Lenin

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