Political Science MCQs

Which one of the hailed from England?

A. Hegel
B. T.H. Green
C. Kant
D. Fichte

According to Kant, actions conform to duty when:

A. They are undertaken for the sake of duty alone
B. Others approve of them
C. You have been beaten sufficiently
D. When physical needs are satisfied

A Second Letter Concerning Toleration book is written by ___?

A. Jeremy Bentham
B. John Locke
C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
D. Thomas Sowell

A Third Letter for Toleration book is written by _____?

A. Jeremy Bentham
B. John Locke
C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
D. Thomas Sowell

Nicomachus was the name of which of Aristotle’s relations?

A. Father
B. Son
C. Father and son
D. Brother

What did Aristotle see as the central tension in ethical decisions?

A. Continence
B. Desire
C. Ignorance
D. Complacence

Which nephew of Aristotle was executed by Alexander?

A. Hermeias
B. Callisthenes
C. Xenocrates
D. Speusippus

According to Aristotle, which of the following is not one of the six elements of the tragedy?

A. Plot
B. Reversal
C. Character
D. Spectacle

Which of the following loes Hobbes believe approximates the living conditions of the state of nature?

A. Native American societies
B. The Spanish Armada
C. Madhouses
D. Prisons

What is the “Fundamental Law of Nature”?

A. Nature abhors a vacuum
B. Human beings seek peace
C. The war of all against all
D. The Pythagorean Theorem

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