Political Science MCQs

In which of the following circumstances does democracy thrive?

A. There is a small surplus
B. A southern climate
C. Not densely populated
D. People don’t eat much

Constitutional monarchy is found in ______?

A. China
B. Yugoslavia
C. U.S.S.R.
D. U.S.A.
E. India

According to Communists constitutional government can be brought with the help of:

A. Constitutional monarchy
B. Parliamentary democracy
C. Presidential form of Government
D. International corporation
E. Communist Ideology

Which one of the following is a hindrance on the way of constitutional government in a developing country?

A. Their love for democracy
B. Their desire to copy the West
C. Their love for democracy
D. Their indifferent attitude towards religion

Which one of the following is a hindrance on the way or constitutional government in a developing society?

A. Absence of political stability
B. Strong party system
C. Powerful leadership
D. Foreign economic aid

One of the following stands on the way of constitutional Government in a developing country. Which is that?

A. Desire to follow west
B. Desire to follow east
C. Indifferent attitude of world bodies
D. Lack of clear political ideology

Which one of the following is not a feature of good constitution?

A. It should suit national environment
B. It should have definite amendment procedure
C. It should have partly rigid and partly flexible
D. It should be rigid

Which one of the following does not indicate cause for the formation of constitutional government?

A. Basic rights and liberties
B. Constitutional jurisdictions
C. Independence of judiciary
D. Right to property of the individuals
E. Decentralisation of powers

The system of decentralisation of powers is found in ______?

A. U.S.S.R.
B. German Democratic Republic
C. U.S.A.
D. None of the above

In a constitutional monarchy the real power is enjoyed by the _____?

A. King
B. The council of ministers
C. The majority party
D. Electorate

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