Political Science MCQs

De facto sovereign refers to:

A. A person who is the lawful ruler of the country
B. King who has lawfully inherited to the throne
C. A person or body of persons who actually exercise power
D. None of the above

In Pakistan the legal sovereignty lies in the ______?

A. Parliament
B. Supreme Court
C. President
D. Electorate

According to Rousseau sovereignty resides in _____?

A. The General Will
B. The Real Will
C. The Actual Will
D. The King

Which one of the following described laws as a command of the sovereign:

A. Austin
B. Locke
C. Mooney
D. Laski

There are several forms of sovereignty. The sovereignty of the King of Great Britain can be classified as ____?

A. Titular Sovereignty
B. Real Sovereignty
C. Popular Sovereignty
D. Legal Sovereignty

According to the Pluralists one of the important limitations on sovereignty is:

A. Written Constitution
B. Independent Judiciary
C. Political Parties
D. International Law

Which one of the following thinkers is connected with the concept of General Will?

A. Hobbes
B. Locke
C. Rousseau
D. T.H. Green

Rousseau was an advocate of _____?

A. Popular Sovereignty
B. Individual Sovereignty
C. Political Sovereignty
D. Legal Sovereignty

Rousseau advocated his theory of Social Contract in the book:

A. Social Contract
B. Origin of the Species
C. Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
D. Modern State

Rousseau hailed from ___?

A. Britain
B. Germany
C. France
D. Russia

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