Political Science MCQs

Which one of the followings believed in class struggle?

A. Tom Paine
B. J.S.Mill
C. Karl Marx
D. Max Weber

Dictatorship of proletariat means:

A. Dictatorial rule of capitalist class
B. Rule of feudal class
C. Dictatorial rule of Working class
D. Dictatorial rule of a King

In which Greek city was Plato died?

A. Sparta
B. Stagira
C. Athens
D. None of these

Plato died at the age of ______?

A. 76 years
B. 78 years
C. 79 years
D. 80 years

In Plato’s ‘The Republic”, who does Socrates suggest should rule over society?

A. The military
B. Nobody; no man should rule over any other man
C. An elected parliament
D. An elite group of ‘philosopherkings”

________ argues that the wrong types of literature and music can corrupt the youth of Greece, and must therefore be strictly controlled:

A. Xenophon
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. None of these

A pupil of Plato’s great student, who developed the system of concentric spheres borrowed by Ptolemy, was this man who advanced the system of epicycles, adding an additional seven, laying the final groundwork for the system adopted by Aristotle and Ptolemy Who was he?

A. Eratosthenes
B. Callipus
C. Diophantus
D. Eppipides

_______ is one of the ‘big three’ in ancient Greek philosopher, along with Aristotle and Socrates:

A. Eratosthenes
B. Plato
C. Diophantus
D. Eppipides

Plato’s writings mostly take the form of _______, in which knowledge is revealed as two characters ask and answer questions of each other:

A. Dialogues
B. Apology
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

To where did Aristotle withdraw after Alexander’s death?

A. Stagira
B. Macedonia
C. Athens
D. Chalcis

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