Where was Aristotle born?
A. Stagira
B. Athens
C. Thebes
D. Macedonia
Which book is often criticized for being disorganized?
A. Politics
B. Ethics
C. Poetics
D. Rhetoric
What was the name of Aristotle’s guardian after his parents’ death?
A. Nicomachus
B. Hermeias
C. Proxenus
D. Xenocrates
What was Aristotle’s attitude toward slavery?
A. He disapproved strongly
B. He disapproved reluctantly
C. He considered it to be against nature
D. He considered it to be natural
Which of the following terms means government by the few?
A. Aristocracy
B. Oligarchy
C. Timocracy
D. Patriarchy
What was the occupation of Aristotle’s father?
A. Physician
B. Philosopher
C. General
D. Chemist
Where did Aristotle perform his early biology research?
A. Assos
B. Athens
C. Mitylene
D. Stagira
Which state ruled Greece for most of Aristotle’s adult life?
A. Athens
B. Thebes
C. Macedonia
D. Sparta
Why did Aristotle write dialogues early in his career?
A. They were the best way to convey information
B. No one else was writing straightforward treatises
C. He was interested in the exchange process rather than the doctrine itself
D. He was following Plato’s model
Which is the best form of stte according to Farabi?
A. Madinat-ul-Fazla
B. Madinatual Jahillia
C. Madina-tul-Siyasa
D. Madina-tul-Tughlab