Political Science MCQs

President Kennedy was _____?

A. Impeached
B. Assassinated
C. Hanged
D. None of these

President Bush was _______?

A. Republican President
B. A Democratic President
C. A De facto President
D. None of these

The American congress is ____?

A. Bicameral
B. Tri-cameral
C. Unicameral
D. None of these

The house of representative is elected by __?

A. By Electoral College consists of states legislature
B. By all citizens of the United States
C. By proportional votes of the states
D. None of these

The elections to House of Representatives held _____?

A. After every fours years
B. After every three years
C. After two years
D. None of these

The USA President, Barak Obama took an oath before the Chief Justice on:

A. January 20,2009
B. February 28,2009
C. June 7,2009
D. July 7,2008

The principal of check and balance in US has forced to work together:

A. The three organs of government
B. The national and state government
C. The senate and House of Representatives
D. The government and political parties

The president of the Republic is elected by _____?

A. Direct votes
B. Electoral college
C. Parliament
D. None of them

The president of France if elected by:

A. Absolute majority in the first ballot
B. Simple majority in the first ballot
C. Two third majority in the first ballot
D. None of them

On the proposal of two assemblies the president can:

A. Approve any bill
B. Sumit to referendum any bill
C. Submit any bill to parliament
D. None of them

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