Political Science MCQs

In 1905, Nicholas, Czar of Russia finally granted the Russian people basic civil rights. This is known as:

A. October Manifesto
B. November Manifesto
C. Soviet Manifesto
D. Czarist Civil Action

U.S.S.R was officially dissolved an ______?

A. 29th December 1991
B. 25th December 1991
C. 27th December 1991
D. 25th December 1992

Russian Independence Day is ___>:

A. 25th June 1990
B. 16th June 1990
C. 12th June 1990
D. 19th June 1990

Who was the Chief Prosecuto during the Great purges?

A. Andrey Vyshinsky
B. Nikolai Bukharin
C. Sergey Mironov
D. None of them

This one-time ally of Stalin was ousted from the Politburo in 1929. He would die in the purges in 1938. Who was he?

A. General Wrangel
B. Nikolai Bukharin
C. Sergey Mironov
D. None of these

This General set up a regime in Crimea from March to November 1920. Who was this General?

A. Zhirirlovshiy
B. General Wrangel
C. Vladimir Volfovich
D. Sergey Mironov

This Leader was deported in 1926:

A. Zhirirlovshiy
B. Lean Trotsky
C. General Wrangel
D. Vladimir Volfovich

In which Constitution the Objective Resolution (1949) was made operative part of the constitution by adding Article 2-A in the Constitution?

A. 1956
B. 1962
C. 1970(Interim)
D. 1973

In which Constitution the Prime Minister and President both were declared Muslims?

A. 1956
B. 1962
C. 1973
D. None of them

When the Constitution (1973) was enforced?

A. August 12,1973
B. August 13,1973
C. August 14,1973
D. August 15,1973

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