Political Science MCQs

Who believed that private property is essential for the development of individual’s personality?

A. Karl Marx
B. Proudhon
C. J.S. Mill
D. Engels

Who was the author of The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State?

A. Karl Marx
B. Engels
C. Stalin
D. Lenin

The theory of surplus value is associated with:

A. J.S. Mill
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Adam Smith
D. Karl Marx

Aristotle described man’s instinct to acquire property as _____?

A. A natural instinct
B. An unnatural instinct
C. A base-instinct
D. None of the above

Hobbes and Bentham were the supporters of _______?

A. Legal Theory of Property
B. Socialistic Theory of Property
C. Idealistic Theory of Property
D. Natural Theory of Property

According to Laski ‘private property’ contributes to:

A. The prosperity of the society
B. The development of society
C. The weakening of society
D. None of the above

The general opinion at present it is favour of:

A. Abolition of all private property
B. Absolute rights to property
C. Right to property within limitations
D. None of the above

Who of the following is not associated with analytical school about justice?

A. Bodin
B. Locke
C. Austin
D. Marx
E. None of the above

In our modern times it is believed that justice is:

A. Opposed to equality
B. Opposed to liberty
C. Anti-thesis of equality and liberty
D. Closely linked with liberty

The concept of justice is applicable only to:

A. Dealings with human beings
B. Dealings with all living beings
C. Dealings with living as well as non-living beings
D. None of the above

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