Political Science MCQs

Which one of the following functions is not performed by the local government bodies?

A. Health and sanitation
B. Protection of life and property
C. Construction of roads, bridges, public baths, etC.
D. Maintenance of police force

The local bodies ______?

A. Can raise loans on their own
B. Cannot raise loans
C. Can raise loans only with the prior sanction of the state
D. None of the above

In recent years the local bodies have become:

A. Increasingly independent of the state government
B. Increasingly dependent on the state government
C. Completely sovereign
D. None of the above

Who of the following is not an advocate of liberal philosophy?

A. T.H. Green
B. J.S. Mill
C. Bentham
D. Locke
E. Karl Marx

Liberalism originated from word ‘liberalis’ which belongs to language:

A. English
B. German
C. Roman
D. French
E. Latin

Which one of the following is not true about liberalism:

A. It is opposed to artificial pressures on freedom
B. It stands for free trade these days
C. It wants limited state activities
D. It favours separation of powers

Who of the following has defined liberalism by saying, “Liberalism as a political creed is a compound of two separate elements? One of these is democracy and the other individualism”.

A. MacGovern
B. Sartori
C. Laski
D. Karl Marx
E. Robert A.Dahl

Which one of the following is not true about liberalism?

A. It has faith in world peace
B. It has faith in the philosophy of live and let live
C. It has faith in constitutional Government
D. It has no faith in pluralistic society
E. It has no faith in totalitariansim

In 16th century liberalism arose as a reaction against certain factors. Which one of these was not responsible for it?

A. Feudalism
B. Church
C. Absolutism of the king
D. Deteriorating social system

Who of the following is often described as the father of liberal political philosophy?

A. Hobbes
B. Locke
C. Rousseau
D. Thomas Paine

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