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Alexander invaded India in ____?
- 327 BC
- 527 BC
- 424 BC
- 261 BC
Which of the following is a Human Rights Organization?
- The Arab League.
- amnesty international
- The Organisation of African Unity
- None
Captain Cook was famous?
- Australian Navigator
- American Military Commander
- Italian Pilot
- English Scientist
"Think and Grow Rich" was written by:
- Napoleon Hill
- Anthony Robbins
- Stephen Covey
- Dale Carnegle
"Shakira" is famous for:
- Singing
- Acting
- Athelatics
- TV hosting
Davis cup is associated with:
- French Open Tennis
- U.S Open Tennis
- UAE Open Tennis
- Wimbledon Tennis
During Bush Junior's Presidency; Dick Cheney was American:
- Chairman
- Vice President
- Secretary of Defence
- Attorney General
Which is the highest Forex earner For Pakistan out of the following commodities?
- sugar
- wheat
- cotton
- rice
People's Republic of China was founded in:
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- none of these
Which is the second largest industry of Pakistan?
- Sugar industry
- Food and beverage processing industry
- Auto Mobile Industry
- Cottage Industry
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