Transfer Payments means:
(A) Back Loans
(B) The payment without work
(C) Tax Payment
(D) Payment made to all factors of production
The heavier silicates named as 'Sima' or Silica + Magnesium are most abundant in the:
(A) Crust
(B) Core
(C) Mantle
(D) Ocean Floors
Which of the followings regions of the world is most thickly populated?
(A) East Asia
(B) South Asia
(C) North-West Europe
(D) North and South America
Which of the following gases is most predominant in the Sun?
(A) Helium
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Ozone
Name the first to sail around the world; he discovered the Magallan Strait, reached the Philippines and name the pacific:
(A) William Dampier
(B) Lord Anson
(C) Ferdinand Magallan
(D) None of these
Which situation will a country face if the birth rate falls sharply, while the death rate remains unchanged?
(A) A fall in living standards
(B) A more youthful population
(C) An ageing population
(D) An increase in population
What is the meaning of Propagate?
(A) Spread
(B) Accept
(C) Guide
(D) Demure
Who was the first Muslim Chief of Air Force of Pakistan?
(A) Air Marshal Asghar Khan
(B) Air Marshal Noor Khan
(C) Air Marshal Arshad Feroz
(D) Air Marshal Aslam Khan
Where was the session held when the resolution of Muslim League demanding the creation of Pakistan was passed?
(A) Bombay
(B) Calcutta
(C) Lahore
(D) Madras
Which is the Largest wool-Producing country?
(A) Australia
(B) India
(C) Argentina
IMPORTANT: Read Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Paper – 2015 and all other previous years here online.
Also Read: Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers – 2021