PPSC Assistant S&GAD Past Paper – 2014

2012 Olympic Games was held in?

(A) London
(B) Paris
(C) Barcelona
(D) Berlin

Who was Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev?

(A) Persident of Uzbikistan
(B) Persident of Turkmenistan
(C) Persident of kazakhstan
(D) Persident of Tajkistan

Which of the following was in power in the UK When India got independence?

(A) Labour Party
(B) Liberal Party
(C) Conservative Party
(D) Socialist party

One the Basis of which report British Parliament passed the Government of India Act 1935?

(A) Simon Commission Report
(B) Cripps Mission Report
(C) Joint Select Committee of British Parliament Report
(D) None of these

The document containing the proposals for a new constitution of India was called.

(A) White paper
(B) Summary paper
(C) Constitution paper
(D) Proposal Paper

The act of 1935 abolished diarchy at the provincial level and Introduced it at:

(A) The centre
(B) International Level
(C) Nowhere
(D) None of these

How old is Earth?

(A) 4.5 billion years
(B) 4.6 billion years
(C) 4.4 billion years
(D) 4.7 billion years

The title of Governor-General was changed to viceroy in the year:

(A) 1858 AD
(B) 1885 AD
(C) 1905 AD
(D) 1917 AD

Who was the first Englishman to preside over a Congress session?

(A) A.O. Hume
(B) W. Wedderburn
(C) George Yule
(D) None of these

Which of the following movements truly reflected the spirit of Hindu-Muslim unity?

(A) Civil Disobedience Movement
(B) Khilafat Movement
(C) Swadeshi Movement
(D) Quit India Movement

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