PPSC Assistant Printing and Stationery Past Paper MCQs

سجاد ظھیر کا نام کس تحریک کےحوالے سے لیا جاتا ھے؟
  1. ترقی پسند تحریک
  2. ادبی دنیا
  3. دونوں
  4. None
ساقی نامہ اقبال کے کس مجموعہ میں شامل ھے؟
  1. زبور عجم
  2. بال جبرںٗل
  3. ضرب کلیم
  4. None
Which two books are called Sahihain
  1. Bukhari & Muslim
  2. Muta & Muslim
  3. Ibn Maja & Muslim
  4. None
One who knows many languages:
  1. Cosmopolitan
  2. Epicure
  3. Polyglot
  4. Antiquarian
  5. All of these
مزدور شاعر کسے کہا جاتا ہے؟
  1. احسان دانش
  2. نظیر اکبر آبادی
  3. غالب
  4. اقبال
What is the rank of Pakistan on Global Innovation Index 2020 ____?
  1. 105
  2. 106
  3. 107
  4. None of the above
Who discovered the circulation of blood?
  1. Parker
  2. William Harvey
  3. Mendel
  4. Newton
  5. Babbage
What is the first element on the periodic table?
  1. Helium
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Lethium
  4. Beryllium
I am sick ___ this nasty job.
  1. With
  2. In
  3. Of
  4. Over
Travelling from place to place is called
  1. journeying
  2. itinerant
  3. vacationing
  4. none

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