PPSC Assistant Printing and Stationery Past Paper MCQs

The United Kingdom (UK) left the European Union on ____ ?
  1. 28 January 2020
  2. 29 January 2020
  3. 30 January 2020
  4. 31 January 2020
Which country has threatened to withdraw from NPT?
  1. Israel
  2. Russia
  3. Iran
  4. None of these
Hijri calendar was started in :
  1. 623AD
  2. 624AD
  3. 628AD
  4. 630AD
National Flag of Pakistan was designed by:
  1. Hafeez Jalandhri
  2. Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chaghla
  3. Amir udin Kidwai
  4. Hafiz Jalandhri
Do you see ___ blue sky
  1. a
  2. the
  3. an
  4. none
Who among the following is known as Kargil War Hero?
  1. Aziz Bhatti
  2. Rashid Minhas
  3. Karnal Sher Khan
  4. None of these
Newly selected Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa belongs to Regiment___?
  1. 6th FF
  2. 16th Baloch Ragiment
  3. 7th FF
  4. None
When State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) was inaugurated_______?
  1. 1st July 1947
  2. 1st August 1947
  3. 1st July 1948
  4. 1st August 1948
In which year the Congress and the Muslim League held a joint session for the first time at Lucknow?
  1. 1912
  2. 1915
  3. 1916
  4. 1914
How much potential of Pakistan hydro power for generating electricity?
  1. 35000 mw
  2. 6000 mw
  3. 8000 mw
  4. none

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