PPSC Assistant S&GAD Past Papers MCQs – 2012

Choose the antonyms: Hapless
  1. fortunate
  2. woeful
  3. hexed
  4. jinxed
  1. Capital: government
  2. Bridge: architect
  3. House: person
  4. Kennel: veterinarian
"A Brown Study' means ___?
  1. Extra care
  2. A matter in dispute
  3. Deep in thoughts
  4. building castle in the air
The unruly behavior of the children ----- their parents
  1. incensed
  2. impeached
  3. aggrieved
  4. tempered
We lost confidence in Slaim because he never _____the grandiose promises he had made.
  1. delivered on
  2. forgot about
  3. tried of
  4. retreated from
The officer threatened to take reprisals if the lives of their man were ---- by the conquered natives
  1. destroyed
  2. enhanced
  3. endangered
  4. irritated
Which of the following is an example of a correlative conjunction?
  1. and
  2. or
  3. but
  4. neither/ not
As the __________ in Romeo And Juliet, Romeo is the hero able to capture the audience's sympathy by continually professing his love for Juliet.
  1. protagonist
  2. enigma
  3. facade
  4. activist
A superficial appearance or show designed to impress one with superiority means ____?
  1. obdurate
  2. exotic
  3. aesthetic
  4. veneer
I knew from Inga's _____ reply that she was offended by my question.
  1. sinuous
  2. vivacious
  3. prolific
  4. brusque

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