The synonym of “Nincompoop” is?
A. Wise
B. Rational
C. Foolish
D. Scholar
The synonym of “Impetuous” is?
A. Irrational
B. Reasonable
C. Cautious
D. Meticulous
The synonym of “Truncate” is?
A. Elongate
B. Increment
C. Shorten
D. Widen
The antonym of “Obdurate” is?
A. Stony
B. Obstinate
C. Submissive
D. Granitic
The synonym of “Fluster” is?
A. Calm
B. Collected
C. Embarrassed
D. Indifferent
The antonym of “Extrinsic” is?
A. External
B. Outside
C. International
D. Interior
The antonym of “Capricious” is
A. Impulsive
B. Whimsical
C. Recollect
D. Fickle
The antonym of “Brazen” is?
A. Straightforward
B. Unscrupulous
C. Shy
D. Blunt
University Wit estimated literary period is a little more than …….. years.
A. 10 years
B. 9 years
C. 6 years
D. 10 years