Most Important PPSC English MCQs PDF taken from the past papers.


Fill In the blank with correct preposition: There’s an eraser___ the end of my pencil?

(A). To

(B). In

(C). At

(D). On

Turn to Passive Voice: “The girl is riding the horse”

(A). The horse is being ridden by the girl

(B). The horse was being ridden by the girl

 (C). The horse has been ridden by the girl

(D). The horse is ridden by the girl

Static means?

(A). Straight

(B). Mathematician

(C). Dynamic

(D). Motionless

Idiom “Tie the knot” means?

(A). Criticism

(B). Getting married

(C). Friendship

(D). Enmity

 “Get your goat” means?

(A). To hug someone

(B). To irritate someone

(C). To pacify someone

(D). To soothe someone

Indicate the indirect form Saleem said, “I do not eat mangoes”.

(A). Saleem said that he does not eat mangoes

 (B). Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes

(C). Saleem exclaimed that he does not eat mangoes

(D). Saleem said, he did not eat mangoes

Choose the correct antonym of “Ruthless”?

(A). Cold-Blooded

(B). Compassionate

(C). Ferocious

(D). Brutal

Antonym of “Ambiguous” is?

(A). Equivocate

(B). Secular

(C). Explicit

(D). Obscure

Choose the correct synonym of “Ecstasy”?

(A). Grimness

(B). Remorse

 (C). Exultation

(D). Lugubriousness

The word ‘REX’ stands for?

(A). The King

(B). The Parliament

(C). The Court

(D). The Crown

Choose the most appropriate antonym of ‘Pristine’?

(A). Light

(B). Heavy

(C). Impure

(D). None of these

What is the antonym of straight?

(A). Zigzag

(B). Direct

 (C). Linear

 (D). None of these

Meaning of proverb “By fits and starts”?

(A). Successfully

(B). Irregularly

(C). Suddenly

(D). Incompletely

Fill in the blank: You must stick ____ your promise.

(A). On

(B). By

(C). In

(D). To

He lived ___ Model Town ___ Lahore?

(A). at at

(B). in at

(C). of at

(D). None of these

The synonym of “Susceptible” is?

(A). Vulnerable

(B). Insensitive

(C). Irregular

(D). Dubious

Fill in the blank: “She inquired ____ my health”?

(A). Upon

(B). About

(C). For

(D). After

Fill in the blank: You must attend ___ the lecture?

(A). In

(B). To

(C). With

(D). On

Fill in the Blanks: Alcohol is injurious ___ health.

(A). Of

 (B). To

(C). With

(D). For

What is the antonym of “Vindictive”?

(A). Refined

(B). Forgiving

(C). Careless

(D). Revengeful

It is high time to do something means:

(A). Desired occasion

(B). Appropriate time

(C). Already late

(D). Auspicious moment

Choose the synonym of Partisan?

(A). Component

(B). Supporter

(C). Opponent

(D). Mite

Laudable means?

(A). Affectionate

(B). Profitable

(C). Lovable

(D). Commendable

Choose the correct article: I don’t like ____ dogs?

(A). The

(B). A

(C). An

(D). Article not required

Synonym of “Luminary” is:

(A). Celebrity

(B). Shinning

(C). Glowing

(D). Pleb

Change the voice of the sentence: “Have you laughed at them?”

(A). Have you been laughed at them?

(B). They have been laughed at by you.

 (C). Have they been laughed at by you?

(D). You have been laughed at by them.

What is the synonym of Profane?

(A). Irreverent

(B). Design

(C). Condescending

(D). All of these

Choose the Correct synonym: Conspicuous?

(A). Discernible

(B). Obscure

(C). Unclear

(D). Concealed

The Antonym of ‘Pseudonym’ is?

(A). Real name

(B). Mentality

 (C). Famous name

(D). Assumed name

Did you hear ___ the accident last night?

(A). On

(B). In

(C). Of

(D). About

Which of the following pair is incorrect?

(A). Monkey: Roar

(B). Sparrow: Trumpet

(C). Owl: Chirp

(D). Horse: Neigh

Complete the idiom: “Hell hath no fury like ____?”

 (A). A woman scorned

(B). A Devil’s advocate

(C). A woman forgotten

(D). A burned woman

What is the synonym of ‘HAUGHTY’?

(A). Humble

(B). Modest

(C). Conceited

(D). All of these

Synonym of Blasphemy is?

(A). Unholy

(B). Irreverence

(C). Irrespective

(D). None of these

The car ___ Front is slowing down?

(A). In

(B). About

(C). On

(D). None of these

‘Amicus Curiae’ is?

(A). Eminent friend

(B). Most expensive lawyer

(C). Arbitrator appointed by a court of law

(D). Friend of court and disinterested advisor

Utopia means?

(A). A Paradise

(B). An Island

(C). An Ideal land

(D). An Idol

Do not change ___ in midstream?

(A). Plans

 (B). Idea

 (C). Horses

(D). Hounds

Choose the most suitable synonym of “Cataclysm”?

(A). Trash   

(B). Catastrophe

(C). Tranquility

(D). Pungent

Choose the correct Antonym of “Liberty”?

(A). Scrupulous

(B). Freedom

(C). Slavery

(D). Delivered

Choose the correct synonym: Haggard?

(A). Unworn

(B). Healthy

(C). Flabby

(D). Exhausted

Choose the correct meaning of ‘LIMPID’?

(A). Opaque

(B). Calm

(C). Clear

(D). Relaxed

He is ignorant ___ the whole situation?

(A). From

(B). Of

(C). With

(D). By


Idiom “To cut long story short” means?

(A). Miss the main points

(B). Come to the point

(C). Tell the story briefly

(D). None of above

The manager likes to be ____ control?

(A). On

(B). Of

(C). In

(D). About

The synonym of Radiant is:

(A). Clean

(B). Glowing

(C). Dark

(D). None of the Above

I am envious ___ them?

(A). Of

(B). About

(C). In

(D). On

Antonym of ‘Immutable’ is:

(A). Serene

 (B). Determinate

(C). Flexible

(D). Important

Two and two ___ four.

(A). Make

(B). Making

(C). Makes

(D). Made

Note: ‘Makes’ is also correct in some cases.

Synonym of ‘Odour’ is:

(A). Color

 (B). Smell

(C). Taste

 (D). Texture

The Antonym of “FRUGAL” is?

(A). Economical

(B). Simple

(C). Spendthrift

(D). Fun

‘Just good enough’ means?

(A). An estimated criteria

(B). Not sufficient time

(C). Good for Circumstances

(D). None of these

Identify the correct spellings?

(A). Adulterate

(B). Adultarate

(C). Adulterat

(D). Adulturate

What is the meaning of idiom/proverb: “To spill the beans?”

(A). To revel secret information

(B). To keep secret

(C). To misbehave

(D). None of these

The plural of sheep is?

(A). Sheaves

(B). Sheepes

(C). Sheeps

(D). Sheep

What is the synonym of Ostensible?

(A). Apparent

(B). Opposite

(C). Latent

(D). None of these

Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?

(A). Variety

(B). Capacity

(C). Ability

(D). None of these

Synonym of Implicate is:

(A). To instigate

(B). To insult

(C). Explain

(D). To involve

He hath a wisdom that doth guide his ____?

(A). Intention

(B). Valour

(C). Fortune

(D). Bravery

The Antonym of word “Segregation” is?

(A). Union

(B). Appreciation

(C). Integration

(D). Collecting

The Antonym of “Affluence” is?

(A). Dearth

(B). Indignant

(C). Pungent

(D). Trash

The synonym of “Abandon” is?

(A). Occupy

(B). Vacate

(C). Gain

(D). Foil

Antonym of “Gullible” is:

(A). Astute

(B). Naïve

(C). Credulous

(D). Trustful

“Once in a blue moon” means?

(A). Every now and then 

(B). Once in a month 

(C). On rare occasions

(D). By Weekly

“Accolade” means?

(A). Sharp or Harsh in Language

(B). To give up completely

(C). An Award or Salute

(D). Keenness of mind or insight

Choose the correct antonym: Oblivion?

(A). Disregard

(B). Insensibility

(C). Awareness

(D). Indifference

Synonym of “Eradicate” is?

(A). Eliminate

(B). Validate

(C). To forget

(D). To forgive

“In a jiffy” means?

(A). A tensed situation

(B). A very short time

(C). On the horns of dilemma

(D). A long time

He gave his wife a large ___ of flowers on her birthday.”

(A). Pack

(B). Group

(C). Bouquet

(D). Bundle

Which of these is used to separate short co-ordinate clauses of a compound sentence?

(A). Full stop

(B). Comma

(C). Colon

(D). Semicolon

Lenient means?

(A). Harsh

(B). Obstinate

(C). Rude

(D). Easy way

Choose the correct preposition: ‘Many people are imbued ____ national pride.’

(A). Over

(B). With

(C). On

(D). Through

Synonym of “Delete” is?

(A). Nasty

(B). Efficient

(C). Remove

(D). Strange

What is the antonym of “Benign”?

(A). Malevolent

(B). Foolish

(C). Soft

(D). Friendly

Who is knocking ___ the door?

(A). at

(B). in

(C). of

(D). by

You would have soon my garden at its best if you ____ here last week”

(A). Should be

(B). Were

(C). Be

(D). Had been

Choose the appropriate words from the options to complete the sentence correctly: Khalid is ____ Taller than Naveed?

(A). As tall, if not

(B). Not as tall but as

(C). As if not

(D). As tall as, if not

Identify the closest meaning of underlined word: In this modern age everyone resorts to sycophancy?

(A). Avariciousness

(B). Affection

(C). Sophistication

(D). Flattery

I congratulated him ____ his success.

(A). Upon

(B). On

(C). At

(D). For

The debate adjourned ___ the following week?

(A). Into

(B). With

(C). For

(D). To

“Feel blue” means?

(A). Feel Sad

(B). Feel angry

(C). Feel happy

(D). Feel energetic

Asylum means?

(A). Refuge

(B). Soreness

(C). Diplomat

(D). Embryo

Choose the appropriate preposition: It took me ages to find a space ____ park my car.

(A). To

(B). Of

(C). About

(D). For

Choose the correct Analogy of: Graceful: Movement?

(A). Articulate: Speech

(B). Servile: Rebellion

(C). Fastidious: Grime

(D). Humorous: Laughter

Complete the proverb: A rolling stone gathers no ___?

(A). Clay

(B). Grass

(C). Moss

(D). Dirt

He boasts ___ his wealth?

(A). By

(B). Of

(C). To

(D). In

He is knocking ___ the door.

(A). In

(B). At

(C). On

(D). None of these

Identify the wrong spelling?

(A). Transpyre

(B). Calmness

(C). Transfer

(D). Tranquil

Identify the underline parts of speech: He also likes to eat strawberries?

(A). Adjective

(B). Noun

(C). Adverb

(D). Verb

Vigorous means?

(A). Sluggish

(B). Energetic

(C). Coward

 (D). Lethargic

Choose the correct indirect speech of: She says, “I am a little bit nervous.”

(A). She says that she is a little bit nervous

(B). She told that she is a little bit nervous

(C). She tells that I am a little bit nervous

(D). She tells that she is a little bit nervous

The authority failed to carry ____ its statutory duties?

(A). On

(B). With

(C). Out

(D). Up

Complete the proverb by filling in the blanks: Familiarity breeds ___?

(A). Bonding

 (B). Friendship

(C). Contempt

(D). Enmity

I wear glasses ___ reading.

(A). For

(B). Upon

(C). At

(D). On

Change the Voice of the following sentence: “was she sewing my shirt”?

(A). Was my shirt been sewing by her

(B). Had my shirt been sewed by her??

(C). Was my shirt sewing by her?

(D). Was my shirt being sewn by her?

Identified the word most opposite in meaning to ‘Viable’

(A). Motionless

(B). Corrective

(C). Unworkable

(D). Feasible

Antonym of ‘Gruesome’ is?

(A). Pleasant

(B). Dried

(C). Bored

(D). Grisly

Complete the sentences in reported speech: “Meet me at the cinema.” he said.

(A). He asked me to meet him at the cinema

(B). He asked me to meet you at the cinema

 (C). He asked me to met him at the cinema

(D). He asked me to meet me at the cinema

Synonym of “ANGUISH” is?

(A). Anxious

(B). Agony

(C). Relief

(D). Attack

Complete the Proverb: “A Penny wise ___ foolish”.

(A). Pool

(B). Pound

(C). Wound

(D). None of these

She ran ____ him into the courtyard?

(A). Before

(B). Upon

(C). After

(D). To

Abdul Said, it is four O’clock now. Mark the correct indirect?

(A). Abdul told that it had been four O’clock then

(B). Abdul told that it was four O’clock then

(C). Abdul told that it has been four O’clock then

(D). None of these

Contraband” means?

(A). Family Planning Materials

(B). Banned Goods

(C). Temporary stoppage of trade

(D). Economic Sanctions

Identify the closest meaning of underlined word: Only astute politicians can meet this situation.

(A). Corrupt

(B). Shrewd

(C). Wicked

(D). Honest

Take a leaf out of someone’s book means?

(A). To cheat

(B). Imitate or emulate someone in particular way

(C). To snatch something

(D). None of these

Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: “To plough the sand?

(A). To do a difficult work

(B). To work in vain

(C). To make the desert bloom

(D). To make the desert fertile

“Bootlegging” is a form of?

(A). Indian Religion

 (B). Drugs

(C). Smuggling

(D). Sketches

Complete the proverb: “Keep your friends close and your enemies”

(A). Apart

(B). Closer

(C). Close

(D). Away

“Drought” is one word substitution of:

(A). Lack of rain

(B). Outdated syrup

(C). A shooting game

(D). Run away from war

What is Jobbery?

(A). Looking for a job enthusiastically

(B). Flattery of superiors

(C). Conduct of public business for private gain

(D). Robbery performed by previous employee

Synonym of Bravery is:

(A). Purge

(B). Coward

(C). Boldness

(D). Stable

Convert to direction from: He said, “Hurrah! We have won the match”.

(A). He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match

(B). He exclaimed that they have won the match

(C). He told them that they had won the match

(D). He asked if they had won the match


Fill in the blank: He travelled ____ difficult circumstances?

(A). In

(B). Under

(C). About

(D). Above

You cannot have your ___ and eat it?

(A). Biscuit

(B). Cake

(C). Bun

(D). Apple

Choose the correct meaning of “Torque”

(A). Jest

(B). Turban

(C). Tuksh sash

(D). A force that tends to cause rotation

I will be ready ____ the time you get there?

(A). On

(B). By

(C). At

(D). Of

Fill in the blank: A cat differs ____ a dog?

(A). Over

(B). From

(C). For

(D). With

Don’t count your ____ before they are hatched. Complete the proverb:

(A). Ducks

(B). Quails

(C). Sparrows

(D). Chickens

Antonym of Amicable is?

(A). Polite

(B). Flexible

(C). Courteous

(D). Hostile

Find the relationship similar to Threat: Insecurity?

(A). Challenge: Fight

(B). Speed: Acceleration

(C). Reason: Anger

(D). Thunder: Lightening

Choose the correct Antonym: Oblivion?

(A). Disregard

(B). Indifference

(C). Awareness

(D). Insensibility

What is the synonym of AMBIGUOUS?

(A). Lurid

(B). Transparent

(C). Limpid

(D). Unclear

They said, “We take exercise every day.”

(A). They had said that they take exercise every day

(B). They said that we take exercise every day

(C). They said that they take exercise every day

(D). They said that they took exercise every day

Choose the correct indirect speech of He asked, “Who speaks French?”

(A). He wanted to know who was to speak French

(B). He wanted to know which spoke French

(C). He wanted to know who speak French

(D). He wanted to know who spoke French

____ to London on the train yesterday.

(A). Mary goes

(B). Did Mary go

(C). Did Mary went

(D). Mary go

He is blind ____ his defects.

(A). For

(B). Of

(C). At

(D). In

Choose the statement with best punctuation: He is to tell the truth a fool?

(A). He is: to tell the truth, a fool.

 (B). He is to tell the truth; a fool.

(C). He is, to tell the truth, a fool.

(D). He is to tell the truth, a fool.

The Synonym of Obsolescent is:

(A). Glittering

(B). Useless

(C). Fustiness

(D). None of the above

Fill in the blank: There has been a fall ___ prices?

(A). With

(B). On

(C). To

(D). In

Change the narration: The dying soldier said, “Let me have a look at the battlefield.”

(A). The dying soldier wished that he had a look at the battlefield

 (B). The dying soldier suggested that he may have a look at the battlefield

 (C). The dying soldier wished to have a look at the battlefield

(D). The dying soldier requested to look at the battlefield

What does the phrase “Putting the cart before the horse” mean?

(A). To do something contrary to conventional order

(B). To do things in perfect order

 (C). To be over active

  (D). To be ready to go

This work is beyond his ___?

(A). Capacity

(B). Worth

(C). Strength

(D). None of these

Complete the Proverb: Early to Bed and early to rise make you healthy, wealthy and ___?

(A). Unwise

(B). Smart

(C). Wise

(D). None of these

Idiom ‘Burn the midnight oil’ means?

(A). Finish all the resources available

 (B). Counting yours days earning in the night

 (C). Stay awake or study late into the night

(D). Heat up a place to make a comfortable

Find the correct indirect sentence: Nazir Said, “I did my duty with full justice.”

(A). Nazir told that he did his duty with full justice.

(B). Nazir said that he had done his duty with full justice.

(C). Nazir told that he had done his duty with full justice.

(D). Nazir said he had done his duty with full justice

To give up smoking means?

(A). Stop smoking

(B). Both A & B

(C). Arrange smoking

(D). None of these

It was kind ___ you to help?

(A). Of

(B). About

 (C). By

 (D). None of these

He congratulated them ____ their wedding?

(A). For

(B). In

(C). On

(D). At

Find the relationship similar to Encourage: Restrict

(A). Seeing: Relieving

(B). Dearth: Surplus

(C). Cain: Success

(D). Heart: Soul

What does ‘To be in two minds’ mean?

(A). To be uncertain

(B). To be of unsound mind

 (C). To work on someone else’s advice

(D). To be dominated by someone

Choose the appropriate meaning of the Idiom:” To fish in troubled waters”

(A). To benefit from other people’s troubles

(B). To aggravate the situation

(C). To indulge in evil conspiracies

(D). To catch fish in disturbed waters

What is the synonym of Profane?

(A). Irreverent

(B). Design

(C). Condescending

(D). None of these

Correct the meaning of the idiom” There is no smoke without a fire is?

(A). For smoke we need to have fire

(B). Fire always emits smoke

 (C). There is some truth in a rumor

(D). Fire is a source of pollution in environment

Change the voice of the following sentence: Does she write a letter?

(A). Has the letter been written by her?

(B). Is she writing a letter?

(C). Is a letter written by her?

(D). A letter is written by her

Most appropriate antonym of “Selfish” is?

(A). Altruistic

(B). Greedy

(C). Courageous

(D). Helpful

Notion means?

(A). Idea

(B). Forward

(C). Factual

(D). Worth nothing

I am exhausted, let’s ____ a day?

(A). Call in

(B). Call for

(C). Call of

(D). Call at

All these PPSC most repeated English MCQs are taken from different previous papers held by Punjab Public service commission.

Also read: English Synonyms MCQs and English Antonyms MCQs

Read More: English MCQs

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