Sunlight is the source of
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
Which country Is not included in BRICS?
- India
- Belgium
- China
- Russia
DPI Stands for
- Dot per index
- Dots per icon
- Both A and B
- Dot per inch
Which country banned English language at primary level to control western culture?
- Indonesian
- Malaysia
- Iran
- Turkey
Correct Spell is
- Bureacracy
- Buracrecy
- Bureaucracy
- None of these
which one is not an image editor?
- Power Point
- Photoshop
- Coral Draw
- Adobe Illustrator
What is the mean to protect work sheets?
- Lock the whole sheet
- Lock the cells
- Lock the columns and Rows
- None of these
In which Province Khyber pass locates?
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Baluchistan
Pasni Harbour is located at
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Balochistan
"Tooth decay" due to the cause of
- Fluoride
- Calcium
- Weakness
- None of these