PPSC Islamiat MCQs | From 2020 to 2024

Hazrat Younis (AS) remained in the abdomen of fish for how many days?

  1. 30 days
  2. 40 days
  3. 20 days
  4. 10 days

What is Usher and Zakat in islam?

  1. Two prominent warriors of Islam
  2. Two months of Islamic Calendar
  3. Two kinds of Tax in Islam
  4. None of these

Which was the first battle of Islam?

  1. Battle of Badr
  2. Battle of Uhad
  3. Battle of Khyber
  4. None of the above

Who suggested to translate Holy Quran in local languages in subcontinent firstly:

  1. Shah Wali Ullah
  2. Shah Abdul Qadir
  3. Shah Rafiudeen
  4. Shah Abdul Rahim

Which Prophet is called the Father of Muslims?

  1. Hazrat Nooh (A.S)
  2. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
  3. Hazrat Abraheem (A.S)
  4. Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ)

IMPORTANT: Practice Islamic Studies Quizzes and and explore the following list of important MCQs related to Islamic Studies.

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