PPSC Islamiat MCQs | From 2020 to 2024

Which companion narrated the most number of Hadith?

  1. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Anas Bin Malik (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A)

"INFAQ" means :

  1. Fighting with enemies of Islam
  2. Spending wealth for the cause of Islam
  3. Travelling from Mecca to Medina
  4. Delivering a speech against infidals

Who Translated Holy Quran the first time in Persian?

  1. Hazrat Majdad Alif Sani
  2. Shah Wali Ullah
  3. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
  4. Tauqir Amaan Khan

Which river is often mentioned in the Bible?

  1. Colorado
  2. Ganges
  3. Jordan
  4. None of these

The concept of 'Istihsan' in Islamic jurisprudence is attributed to:

  1. Imam Malik
  2. Imam Shafi'i
  3. Imam Hanbal
  4. Imam Abu Hanifa

رسالہ مجلہ قانون کس کی عدالت میں جاری ہوا؟

  1. اسلامی عدالت
  2. ہائی کورٹ
  3. سپریم کورٹ
  4. سول کورٹ

کس غزوہ میں مسلمانوں پر نیند طاری ہوئی؟

  1. غزوہ بدر
  2. غزوہ خندق
  3. غزوہ احد
  4. غزوہ تبوک

سبت اور رفع کس نبی سے منسلک ہے؟

  1. حضرت موسیٰ
  2. حضرت عیسیٰ
  3. حضرت ابراہیم
  4. حضرت یوسف

Who was the leader of Muslim in the Battle of Badr (Jang-e-Qasiyah)?

  1. Abu Sufyan
  2. Khalid ibn al-Walid
  3. Muhammad (PBUH)
  4. Abu Jahl

Which caliph of the Muslims ordered the compilation of Ahadith and send to the conquered territories?

  1. Hazrat Umar bin abdul Aziz
  2. Hazrat Umar
  3. Hazrat Usman
  4. None of these

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