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ضرب المثل مکمل کریں مفت کی ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔قاضی کو ہلال
- مال
- شراب
- گندم
- روٹی
The idiom 'Add fuel to the fire' means
- Calm down
- Solve problems
- Worsen bad situation
- Ink an agreement
- Tie the know
The student said, "sir, I am not guilty ".
- The student said with respect that he was not guilty
- The student pleaded that he was not guilty
- The student pleaded with respect that he was not guilty
- None
MS-Excel uses the _____ function when creating a data table.
- Average
- count
- Both A and B
- Table
The idiom 'To cry wolf' means?
- To listen eagerly
- To give false alarm
- To frighten someone
- To cry over little things
Who started the Faraizi Movement?
- Allama Muhammad Iqbal
- Haji Shariat Ullah
- Sir Aga Khan
- Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
- None of these
Sulah Hudaybiyyah was signed between Muslim and ____?
- Jews of Madina
- Kharjis
- Christian
- Quraish
Sanaa Marrin of Finland is famous -------
- Nuclear Scientist
- Youngest PM
- Astronaut
- Journalist
- Ukraine first lady
Which mushroom is not edible
- Amanita phallioides
- oyster mashroom
- straw mashroom
- None
The Six Books of Hadith are known as ____?
- Kutub e Arbaa
- Arbaʽeen
- Usul e Sitta
- Siha e Sitta
- All of these
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