امیر خسرو کس شہر میں مدفون ہیں؟
- عمر کوٹ
- ملتان
- دہلی
- رائے بریلی
ترکی تمام ہونا محاورہ ہے اسکا مفہوم کیا ہے؟
- غیر ملکی سفر پر روانہ ہونا
- بجٹ ختم ہونا
- کوشش ترک کردینا
- بہادری ختم ہونا
The flag of which country is also known as the Union Jack?
- UK
- New Zealand
- Barbados
Which of the following is not an Olympic Sport?
- Squash
- Badminton
- Wrestling
- Fencing
Which was the official language during the Muslim Rule in India?
- Urdu
- Turkish
- Persian
- Arabic
After partition of Bengal, the Capital of East Bengal and Assam was
- Dhaka
- Calcutta
- Chittagong
- Sylhett
In Geography what do you understand by "Pangaea"?
- A Super continent
- Hills formed by Lava outflow
- Concentration of Sulpher in hot springs
- None of these
The current capital of Kazakhstan is Astana-Name the former capital:
- Almaty
- Dushanbe
- Bishkek
- None of above
Who was the first American President to resign while in office?
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Bill Clinton
- Richard Nixon
- John Quicy Adams